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Dr. Sai Bhaskar Reddy Nakka

Dr. Sai Bhaskar Reddy Nakka is an International Environment and Development professional with over two decades of experience in various fields. He holds double Master's degrees, one in Applied Geology from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay, and another in Geography. For his PhD, he pursued Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies of the polluted water at Patancheru Industrial Area, Medak Dist., A.P., INDIA, which was one of the most polluted industrial areas in Asia. He received the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) fellowship from the Government of India to complete his PhD.

Dr. Sai Bhaskar Reddy Nakka is a strong advocate of 'Open Knowledge' and opposes patenting technologies that are intended for the benefit of the common people. His expertise lies in the areas of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management, Energy, Agriculture, Water, and Developmental aspects. He is a qualified CDM/Lead Verifier, and specializes in Information Visualization and Graphics, GIS/RS, ICTs, Information visualization, and Participatory Monitoring tools.

As the Director of The Earth Center, Council for Green Revolution (CGR) in Hyderabad, India, he has conceptualized and contributed to the development of Earth Centers, Geo Spirit meets, and Earth Clubs, aiming to nurture Earth Leadership.

Dr. Nakka has led several projects as the Climate and Disaster Resilience lead for Taru Leading Edge. He has served as an International Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist for the World Bank project on the conceptual framework for investment funding mechanisms and institutional set-up options for a National Urban Flood Risk Investment Program in Indonesian Cities. He has also represented the project for UNDP India, conducting a study of existing schemes/programs for Coastal areas and identifying institutions for networking opportunities under the GCF funded project on Enhancing Climate Resilience of India's Coastal Communities. In addition, he has conducted vulnerability assessments, developed decision support tools for adaptation planning, and raised awareness on tsunami preparedness in coastal areas of Andhra Pradesh, India.

Dr. Nakka has contributed his expertise to projects such as climate risk assessments and adaptation planning for Ramsar sites in India and multi-hazard assessments in Herat province, Afghanistan. He has also worked as a Geoecologist/Consultant for various projects, including the Hussain Sagar Lake and Catchment Area Improvement Project in collaboration with NJS Consultants Co. Ltd, Japan, and the Climate Change Adaptation / ClimaAdapt Project supported by the Norwegian Government.

As an advocate of sustainable agriculture and climate change mitigation, Dr. Nakka has implemented the Good Stoves and Biochar Communities Project, and is the pioneer to introduce biochar for soil management and sustainable agriculture in India. He has led projects supported by organizations such as, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), and the Department for International Development (DFID).

His contributions extend to poverty reduction strategies and natural resources management. Dr. Nakka has also worked on Joint Forest Management projects in Andhra Pradesh/Telangana, supporting community forest management groups.

Throughout his career, Dr. Nakka has conducted research and developed technologies to address climate change, environmental degradation, and geoecological challenges. He has designed over 100 innovative solutions, including 50 'Good Stoves,' and has been instrumental in promoting participatory technology development and facilitation involving stakeholders. He is recognized as the top biomass cookstove designer.

Dr. Sai Bhaskar Reddy Nakka's core competencies include project management, planning, monitoring and evaluation, documentation, policy advocacy, strategic planning, capacity building, research, participatory technology development, organizational/community development, and sustainable livelihoods.

Currently, Dr. Nakka is focused on various areas such as climate change, environment, good stoves, biochar production, water management, sustainable livelihoods, disaster mitigation, food security, energy, vulnerability and adaptation, and development. He also shares his knowledge and expertise as a guest faculty, delivering lectures at institutes and universities. He has authored more than 50 books covering the above subjects.

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